Nymphomania – whim or disease

A nymphomaniac is a woman who needs sex constantly. Many men dream of such an insatiable lady. But this is a disease that requires treatment. And it gives a lot of inconvenience to a person, sometimes leading to serious consequences. What is this diagnosis and what to do about it? .

Social influences

What is nymphomania?

The concept of nymphomania was born in ancient Greece, this word consists of two “nymphe” (girl), “mania” (obsession). Men also have a diagnosis in this regard. Its experts call it “satyriasis” or simple spoken language – the diagnosis of Don Juan. This concept is used with frequent changes in sexual partners.

What is meant by the concept of nymphomania? The meaning of the word “mania” means the convulsive behavior that women with this disease experience. These nympho are constantly in search of a partner. The peculiarity of nymphomania is that it does not receive sexual satisfaction, even using the most sophisticated practices. Orgasms can be, but full satisfaction still does not occur.

Women with this diagnosis are prone to depression, they have an inferiority complex, a constant fear of starting a new relationship. These people are forced to think about sex for days, and they do it several times a day, not getting pleasure from it.

When does desire become torment?

When healthy people hear about other people’s increased sexual desire, it sounds tempting to them; many people look at them even with envy. But for nymphomaniacs, in fact, this is torture and nothing more. If desire wins, then after intercourse a woman feels a sense of disgust, shame and hatred. Constantly such women fall into this vicious circle, thereby driving themselves into dangerous situations and conditions.

Causes of the disease

A lot of addictions appear unnoticed and nymphomania is no exception. It develops gradually, at the beginning it is impossible to recognize it, like any other obsessions. In some cases, it is not recognized. A person suffers, but does not understand that he needs to be treated.

There are experts who claim that the causes of nymphomania lie in childhood, you need to look for them in early injuries. Others say that any sexual contact that results in emotional experiences can trigger a process leading to the inability to “get enough” of intimacy.

Complications of such a disease

The consequences of nymphomania can be far from rosy if the disease is not treated. A woman will begin to become depressed, which often leads to suicide. Also, from frequent sexual relations with different men, you can earn yourself a number of diseases, such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, gonorrhea, HIV infection.

Complications include the inability to build family relationships. A woman often becomes a hostage to circumstances, and others use it.

Nymphomania is a diagnosis

Diagnosing nymphomania is difficult. Unable to determine the onset of the disease. And not every doctor is ready to make a similar diagnosis. You need to contact a psychotherapist or sexologist, he will conduct tests and tell you what to do next.

You need to go to the doctor if the desire for sex interferes with normal life. If it distracts from work, it does not make it possible to build a harmonious life.

It is important to understand that if there is an ailment, then it must be treated not by raising self-esteem, but by real drugs. The doctor will help restore hormonal balance, help socialize. Just talking to a psychologist is not enough. Religion or esotericism will not help in solving complex emotional problems, and only a doctor will be able to figure it out.

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